Legally Mine will show you how to stop the threat of lawsuits before they ever get started by protecting your assets in time tested and proven legal structures. These same structures allow us to help our tax attorneys save what you would normally pay in income taxes. These are little known tax helps that have significant case history and have stood the test of time.
Course Objectives
Maintain the focus of their medical practice on improved patient care rather than malpractice defense.
Structure their practices for lawsuit protection and prevention, improving overall operations management of the practice.
Protect practice and professional assets from lawsuits through applied risk managements techniques.
Understand basic practice management tools that can help decrease unnecessary loss of revenue.
Natalyn Lewis
Natalyn is a highly-sought after speaker and coach. She has spoken on stages in over 38 different countries around the world and worked with over 200 different companies, CEOs and executive teams. For the last 4 years she has dedicated her time to educating high-achievers on the power of their emotions. That they do not need to be afraid of them, but they can understand them, control them, and use them to build true and lasting success. Natalyn has 25 years of marketing and sales background. She’s studied human behavior for years—why people start, but don’t finish… what makes a high achieving person successful. She’s built companies, worked with all kinds of professional including athletes, business owners, and influencers. With each person she has worked with she discovered the power of raising your EQ. Everything else raises with it—increased revenue, productivity, purpose, better relationships, more intention. In short, a better life Natty has been married to her best friend for over 26 years and they have 4 kids ranging from 22 to 11. As a wife, mother, speaker, coach, entrepreneur, and teacher she knows what it takes to balance life and business with vision, purpose, identity, and passion and it can be done. You really can have it all. LEGALLY