Mina Levi, DDS

Dr. Mina Levi
Chair: SAN Francisco
Dr. Mina Levi received her dentistry degree from Sofia Medical University and did her post-graduate studies in orthodontics at Plovdiv Medical University in Bulgaria. She also studied dentistry at UCLA upon moving to the United States. Dr. Mina Levi was the past president of the Northern California Chapter of the Academy of General Dentistry. She holds a Master of the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Mina Levi is a Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International.
Dr. Mina Levi received advanced training in orthodontics in Germany and in dental implants in the US. She has been using Invisalign since 2002. Dr. Mina Levi was the first dentist in California to become certified in Zirconia metal-free dental implants in 2008. Dr. Mina Levi’s clinical approach is following the principles of biomimetics - be minimally invasive and preserve as much as possible of the natural tooth structure. In the last three years, Dr. Mina Levi has been very excited to implement 3D dental printing techniques and Digital Smile Design in her practice.
Dr. Mina Levi has been practicing in the area since 2008 and enjoys hiking, skiing, macro photography, and spending time with her son.