Ron Direzze, DDS

Dr. Ron Direzze
Chair: Warren Michigan
General Dentist in 20th year of private practice. Practices in a fast paced, busy office incorporating the latest in technology while still adhering to proven textbook theory.
HBSc (Biology): University of Western Ontario - 1996
London, Ontario
DDS: Case Western Reserve University -2000
Cleveland, Ohio
Professional Accomplishments
Former Dental Director The Paula L. Tutman Children’s ToothFairy Foundation Charity, 2010
Former member of The Michigan Dental Association’s ‘Access to Care’ Committee, 2011
Member, Pierre Fouchard Academy, 2015
Awarded Fellowship, International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), 2018
Paid Dental Consultant, Encompass Dental Solutions, Christopher Thornburgh-president, 2018
Key Opinion Leader (KOL), BioResearch Inc., Milwaukee WI, 2019
Board of Directors, AACA, 2020
Lecturer, Rondeau Seminars, 2021
Co-Founder Endwire Communications, DeZzire Inc., 2020
Featured Webinars
This course will review TMD screening methods, diagnostic aids and treatment for the GP and describe methods for delivering Invisalign treatment safely for TMJ patients as well as guidelines for not introducing a TMD problem to your Invisalign patient.